Privacy Policy of Bear Bell Productions AB

Last updated: September 14, 2022


This privacy policy includes all sites and services provided and governed by Bear Bell Productions AB;,, the Repertoire course and the Evolution membership.

Bear Bell Productions AB protects your privacy. This means that we always collect data responsibly. This document explains your privacy rights and tells you in detail how we at Bear Bell Productions AB collect, use, share and protect any personal information you provide when visiting our website, interact with us, buy our products or services and also how the law protects you.

If you want to know more, contact us at [email protected].

Bear Bell Productions AB

Bear Bell Productions AB is owned by Bärbel Dressler and represented by the websites,, connected domains and other related platforms including Kajabi, and ConvertKit.

What information do we collect?

We collect various information about you, depending on the interaction you have with us:

Personal data: First- and last name, delivery address, phone number, email address, transaction details about payments to and from you. We may also collect details about what product/service you purchase from us.

Technical and statistical data may include IP-adress, browser type, location, operating system, and device type.

How is your personal data collected?

We collect your personal data in the following situations when you:

  • Sign up to receive the Bear Bell newsletter

  • Sign up to download a file from any of our websites

  • Contact us through a form on the websites

  • Interact with us on social media

  • Purchase a service or product from us

What do we do with the information we collect?

Any information you provide us is only used for providing the best possible content and service to you.

Who may we share your information with?

  • Logistics and transport companies in order to send out products you may have ordered. 

  • Data storage companies for handling email and payments.

  • For email send-outs like the Bear Bell newsletter we use ConvertKit.

  • Payment services for processing payments. We use Stripe and PayPal.

  • Government & law enforcement if necessary and requested.

Other than that we do not sell or share your information with any third party.

Where do we store your data?

Most of the data we collect is stored within EU / ESS, but companies that manage mail and payments are international so your data may be stored outside the EU. The companies we employ meet the requirements when it comes to GDPR through the standard contractual clauses for the United States or equivalent for other countries.

How long do we save your data?

We only save your data as long as it takes to help you with your questions or requests. For newsletters and mailing lists, storage will cease as soon as you decide to cancel your subscription. For the purchase of goods, we may store data for up to 10 years in order to answer any claims associated with the product you have purchased or service you have received.

Your rights

You are entitled to access your data. Contact us and we will send out the information we have stored about you with us.

Correction - If you need to update your details contact us and we will change them as soon as possible.

Deletion - If you don’t want to use any of our services anymore and want us to delete you from our databases you can contact us for deletion. We do this with some exceptions, for example if it’s data that we must save for legal requirements.

Portation - You have the right to ask us for a copy of your personal data.

Leave a complaint - You can always make complaints about our handling to the Swedish authority

- If you have any questions and concerns regarding our data about you email us at [email protected].